British Foreign Secretary gives his opinion on sending troops to Ukraine

Photo: British Foreign Secretary David Cameron (Getty Images)

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has opposed French President Emmanuel Macron's idea of sending Western troops to Ukraine, according to Sky News.

Cameron believes that sending Western troops to help the Ukrainian army would be a "dangerous escalation".

"I don't think it is right to have NATO soldiers killing Russian soldiers," he said.

Macron's initiative to send Western troops to Ukraine

Earlier, French President Emmanuel Macron announced the possibility of sending Western troops to Ukraine.

He later clarified that he was not talking about sending troops to participate in hostilities.

Some NATO countries said they were ready to consider such a possibility, including Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Canada. However, most countries did not support Macron's initiative.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also opposed it, stating that "there are no plans for NATO combat troops on the ground in Ukraine".