Czechia calls for restricting movement of Russian diplomats in Schengen area

Photo: Czechia proposed to introduce new restrictions against Russia (Getty Images)

Czechia wants to restrict the free movement of Russian diplomats within European Union countries, informs Spiegel.

According to the source, in mid-April, Czechia circulated a document among EU countries emphasizing that espionage, propaganda, as well as material and technical support for terrorist acts are the main tasks of many Russian diplomats in the EU.

According to the document, there are no plans to introduce a complete ban on the movement of Russian diplomats in the Schengen area. However, Czechia wants Russian diplomats to be required to present not only an identity document but also an entry permit at airports.

Prague also acknowledges that Russia may take retaliatory measures against diplomats from EU countries, which would be "an act of retaliation" and would violate international law.

"Freedom of movement for Russian spies in the Schengen area is not a diplomatic privilege," the document states.

At the same time, it specifies that the risks from possible Moscow actions are much smaller than the damages caused by the activities of Russian diplomats.

Initiative of Czechia

Since last year, Czechia has been attempting to impose restrictions on the movement of Russian diplomats at the European Union level.

Previously, the country wanted Russian diplomats to be issued visas and residence permits that would only allow travel within the territory of the host country.