Russia lacks forces to open new front in Kharkiv, Ukrainian official says

"It's too early to discuss the possibility of a new front line [in Kharkiv Oblast]," Syniehubov said in a Telegram post.

According to him, Russia would need at least 100,000 soldiers to mount such an offensive, which does not reflect current troop levels deployed in the area.

Read also: Ukraine's intelligence predicts Russian offensive timing in Kharkiv and Sumy

On March 26, independent Russian media outlet Meduza referenced alleged objectives of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to seize Kharkiv. An unnamed source told the journalists that the plan to capture the major Ukrainian city were drawn up, but not necessarily adopted by the Kremlin.

U.S.-based Institute for the Study of War later observed no apparent preparations for such an operation, which would pose significant challenges for Russian forces involved in active fighting elsewhere in Ukraine.

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski