Trump White House insider says ex-president was 'worried' about Hope Hicks' testimony

Stephanie Grisham has stepped down as White House press secretary, but she was barely visible, with President Donald Trump largely managing his own media machine (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)

As Hope Hicks was answering question after question about the efforts to protect the campaign and Donald Trump's family from alleged affairs — the ex-president was sweating bullets.

That's what former Trump's former spokesperson Stephanie Grisham suspected was running through his mind as he closed his "beautifully blue eyes" in court marking a notable day in the historic criminal hush money trial.

"All I could think was that again, she was in such the inner circle, especially there in the very beginning," Grisham said of Hicks. "And she was privy to so many conversations and so many people — and all I could think was that he was wondering was 'What else she could say?'"

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Hicks was clearly nervous when she appeared on the witness stand inside the Lower Manhattan courtroom. She ultimately weeped after the prosecution completed its round of questions.

Just before her emotions overcame her, Hicks had recounted the handling of the Stormy Daniels story and that “it was better to be dealing with it now, and it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election.”

Daniels, an adult film star, alleged she engaged in a sexual relationship with Trump and was paid $130,000 to remain mum just weeks before the 2016 election.

Trump stands accused of falsifying business records of that six-figure sum through his former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen in a scheme to manipulate the outcome of the contest for president.

Trump has denied he had the affair and pleaded not guilty.

Grisham suspects Hicks was likely holding back on purpose.

"I think it was very clear that she didn't want to say too much," said Grisham. "She only answered the questions that were asked of her and she didn't really expand on them."

In an attempt to dig into the mind of Trump, Grisham believes that Trump knows Hicks is well aware of many years of his life that has never been made public, and while under oath — anything could happen.

"I imagine that he was a little worried about what else was going to come out of her mouth," said Grisham, adding, Hope Hicks' wasn't just talking about the past, but doing so under oath.

So Hicks casting Trump as "in the driver's seat" and telling the jury he "knew what he wanted to say and how he wanted to say it" regarding the porn star allegations hurting the election — it hits differently given "she was closer to him than almost anyone during the campaign and presidency."

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