Duchess of Edinburgh praised for Ukraine trip in scathing comparison to Harry - ‘Exactly the sort of job he should be doing!’

A royal commentator has piled praise on the Duchess of Edinburgh for becoming the first Royal Family member to visit Ukraine after Russia invaded the country but claimed that this is the "sort of thing that Prince Harry should be doing."

Sophie Wessex, 59, visited Ukraine at the request of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

The royal demonstrated solidarity with the women, men and children impacted by the war, according to Buckingham Palace.

Speaking to GBN America, former BBC royal reporter Michael Cole said: "She is the first royal personage to go to Ukraine. She went there, she did her job and she did it very well.

Sophie Wessex

"She spoke out against the sexual abuse of women in war zones quite effectively.

"But that's exactly the sort of job that Prince Harry should have been doing, that was made for him.


"He served two tours of duty in Afghanistan and he could go out there, he could talk to the soldiers.

"He would understand the wounded and the injured. It was a brilliant innovation when he set up Invictus, he was coming back on a transport plane from Afghanistan with coffins containing the bodies of British soldiers.

"And he went to work and he set up these games for the injured, the wounded and the psychologically troubled.

"Do you realise that at the beginning, because this was all pre-Meghan, this is 2014, William and Kate, the Prince and Princess of Wales, were very instrumental through their foundation in encouraging Harry when he set up the Invictus Games, in company with the Ministry of Defence. All of that is forgotten now, but they were."

Nana Akua, Michael Cole

Discussing the Invictus Games Thanksgiving service, Cole added: "They [William and Kate] will not be at St Paul's Cathedral they will be noticeable by their absence.

"So the possibility of Harry becoming reconciled with his brother, I would say, is between slim and nil - and I would opt for nil."

GBN America host Nana Akua added: "You say that this would be a great role for Harry but wouldn't it also be an incredible role for Meghan?

"Instead of grifting and trying to find little bits of nuggets here and there, Sophie went there to talk to support women and children and families, which is the kind of thing that Meghan advocates.

Meghan and Harry

"She already advocates for women and children and so on and so forth."

The Royal Family has been unusually outspoken in its support of Ukraine, with King Charles marking the second anniversary of the invasion in February by warning of the "indescribable aggression" and the "unprovoked attack" by Russia.

Soon after the start of the war in 2022, Charles, then Prince of Wales, visited Ukrainian refugees who had come across the border into Romania.