Viral quiche made with tortilla instead of pastry makes the perfect healthy lunch

I’m always looking for new healthy recipes to try, and TikTok is just the place. Forget plain old salads and boring pieces of fruit, the app is full of fresh, innovative ideas that I’d never think of myself.

Last month I tried the viral Raw Carrot Salad, which turned the boring orange vegetable into a scrumptious snack. Now, it’s the Tortilla Bake Quiche that everyone’s gone gaga for – and I can see why.

Credit: Ellissa Bain

TikTok’s Tortilla Bake Quiche

As the name suggests, the recipe is a quiche, but it’s made with a tortilla wrap. There’s no fiddling around with pastry, all you have to do is lay down a tortilla, crack in some eggs, add in your fillings and enjoy.

The best part is it’s totally customizable, so you can add whatever you’ve got in the fridge. Anything you’d put in an omelette or quiche works perfectly, like veggies, meats and cheeses.

The innovation has been circling since 2023, but it suddenly took over TikTok in April 2024 and everyone is totally obsessed. It works as a great breakfast or lunch, or even an afternoon snack if you’re extra peckish.

How to make it


  • 1 tortilla wrap
  • 3 eggs
  • Your choice of fillings
  • Salt and pepper

Many also like to add cottage cheese, but I chose to go without it.


  • Switch the oven onto 180°C/356°F
  • Lay a tortilla wrap in a round dish
  • Crack the three eggs into the tortilla
  • Add your fillings and seasoning
  • Bake for around 15 minutes, or until the egg is firm
  • Chop into slices and enjoy

Approved by nutritionist

I decided to add red pepper, tomatoes, chicken and cheddar cheese into mine, and it was absolutely delicious. The Tortilla Bake Quiche was so quick and easy to make, and made a nice change to boring old scrambled eggs.

It will definitely be a recipe I make regularly, and it’s approved by a nutritionist too. We spoke to Sarah Pelc Graca, who told The Focus: “Overall, I would recommend this as an easy breakfast or lunch option!”

She said eggs are a great source of protein, which is an important macronutrient to include in your diet. It helps to keep you feeling satisfied between meals, repair and maintain lean muscle mass, and decrease cravings.

“Plus, protein requires more calories to digest than carbs and fats, which means that eating protein actually boosts your metabolism a bit,” she explained.

Credit: Ellissa Bain

Graca said the recipe is also a “great way to add extra vegetables to your diet,” and she loves that it’s customizable based on your own preferences. Plus, it provides a “more balanced meal” with a better ratio of nutrients than other breakfast options, like pancakes or waffles.

If you’re looking to make the meal even healthier, the nutritionist recommended choosing a healthier tortilla that is made with whole grains or whole wheat.

Sarah Pelc Graca is a certified nutrition coach, personal trainer and women’s fitness specialist who owns Strong with Sarah, a weight loss coaching company which helps clients lose weight by incorporating healthy eating and exercise habits.