Leas Lift cafe set to move to Lower Leas Coastal Park while £6.6 million refurb gets underway at Folkestone attraction

A beloved seafront cafe is set to relocate while the grand restoration of its historic home gets underway.

The Leas Lift Cafe in Folkestone will be temporarily relocated to near the Lower Leas Coastal Car Park on Lower Sandgate Road while a £6.6million refurbishment of the Leas Lift takes place.

The £6.6 million restoration project to the Leas Lift in Folkestone is set to get underway this summer

The coffee shop plans to install a shipping container and create a small outdoor seating area at its new location.

Although a date has not been set for the move, an application has been submitted to Folkestone and Hythe District Council for a 24-month permission.

Cathy Beare, chairwoman of the Folkestone Leas Lift Company Charity, which is behind the project, said: “We expect to appoint a main contractor at the end of July, and once they are ready to begin work on site, the cafe will move to a temporary structure next to the existing building.

“It will move to its new and improved home once the work is complete next year. We can’t wait to welcome the community to the new Leas Lift cafe once the building is ready in 2025.”

The Leas Lift was built in 1885 and for more than 100 years carried passengers between the promenade and the seafront.

The historical asset was forced to shut down seven years ago because of problems with its braking system.

The Leas Lift Cafe plans to install a shipping container and a small outdoor seating area at its temporary site in Folkestone
Cathy Beare, chairwoman of the Folkestone Leas Lift Company Charity, can't wait to welcome the community to the new Leas Lift in 2025. Picture: Folkestone Leas Lift Company Charity

The funding for the works, including £4.8 million in support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, was previously secured by the Folkestone Leas Lift Company Charity.

However, residents did raise concerns about the lack of work on-site and whether the timeline was still on track to be finished by the proposed 2025 date.

The extensive plans are set to get underway in the summer and will also see the cliffside railway’s waiting room renovated and a new building constructed to house the modern cafe with an outdoor terrace.

The charity behind the scheme also recently appointed its first chief executive, Floortje Hoette, who joined the team earlier this week.

Ms Hoette previously led Produced in Kent and is excited to get underway with this next venture.

She said: “It’s been wonderful to see the regeneration of Folkestone over the years, and I’m looking forward to being part of that.

Floortje Hoette took her position as chief executive of the Folkestone Leas Lift Company Charity this week. Picture: Folkestone Leas Lift Company Charity

“The Leas Lift team has done some incredible work to date, but as the first chief executive, I feel like I’m starting with a blank canvas, which is very exciting.

“I’ll be able to use my creative skills to help build upon the trustees’ vision and create a venue that works for both locals and visitors.”