Trump complained donors aren't giving him enough cash to get a picture taken with him

Donald Trump press conference at Trump Tower / Shutterstock

At the same donor luncheon at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Saturday where Donald Trump swore at President Joe Biden, special counsel Jack Smith and attacked his other perceived foes, the former president also complained he wasn't raising enough cash from the attending wealthy donors.

Buried deep in a Washington Post report of the former president's profanity-laden speech where he ranted about Biden's "Gestapo" and called the DOJ's Smith a “f-----g a--hole,” is a note that the former was not happy about having to have his picture taken with so many attendees.

Add to that, he also let some of his guests know they weren't coughing up enough cash.

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According to the Post, "About 400 people who gave at least $40,000 each attended, according to people familiar with the planning who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private event. He spoke for about 90 minutes, and the remarks veered widely," before pointing out Trump's complaints.

"At another point, he complained about having to take so many pictures with donors and told people in the crowd that if they didn’t get a picture, it was because they didn’t give enough money," the report continued. "He also claimed that a wedding at the property got preference over the donors because the wedding was paying more per person to be there."

Trump also allowed some guests who donated a million to share the stage with him.

"At one point, as if he were at an auction, he told the crowd: 'Anyone who makes a $1 million donation right now to the Republican Party … I will let you come up and speak.' Two donors then came to the stage, and one told the crowd: 'Donald J. Trump is the person that God has chosen,'" the report noted.

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