Georgia Rep. MTG To Force Vote This Week On Ousting U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson

Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (File)

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) said last week she would seek a vote next week to remove U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, forcing her colleagues to choose sides in a contentious standoff after Democratic leaders declared they would give the votes to keep the Republican speaker's job.

Speaking outside the Capitol Wednesday, Greene slammed Republican Party officials at all levels and rejected their public appeals, including those from Donald Trump, to avoid another ugly political struggle so close to the November election.

"We need leaders in the House of Representatives that are going to get this done," said Greene, R-Ga., holding a red "MAGA" hat from Trump's "Make America Great Again" campaign effort.

Read: House Dems Vow To Tank Georgia Rep. MTG’s Bid To Oust Republican Speaker Mike Johnson

"Mike Johnson is not capable of that job," she went on to say.

As the Tampa Free Press reported, Greene first filed the motion to vacate on March 22 during a battle over spending. Since then, Republican Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona have rallied to her cause.

In a statement defending Johnson, offered by House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Democratic Whip Katherine Clark and Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguillar, the party noted, “From the very beginning of this Congress, House Democrats have put people over politics and found bipartisan common ground with traditional Republicans in order to deliver real results. At the same time, House Democrats have aggressively pushed back against MAGA extremism. We will continue to do just that.”

“At this moment, upon completion of our national security work, the time has come to turn the page on this chapter of Pro-Putin Republican obstruction. We will vote to table Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Motion to Vacate the Chair. If she invokes the motion, it will not succeed.

Read: Georgia Rep. MTG Rips Johnson And Biden For Ukraine Support And 10-Year Deal In The Works

“For months, House Republicans irresponsibly delayed critical security assistance to our democratic allies in Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific, while simultaneously blocking humanitarian assistance to civilians in harm’s way in places like Gaza, Haiti and the Sudan,” the statement added.

“Thanks to a bipartisan coalition of Democrats and Republicans, led by President Biden, we were finally able to meet the national security needs of the American people.”

Read: Georgia Rep. MTG Rips Johnson And Biden For Ukraine Support And 10-Year Deal In The Works

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