Spring Travel Plans? Ensure Your Car's Ready With These Crucial Checks!

It is important to inspect your car before any trip, especially if it is a longer one. Unexpected situations can arise, but you will feel much more at ease if you give your vehicle a once-over before hitting the road. What is crucial?

1. Electrical components

The most common car breakdowns in warm weather are related to electrical components and cooling systems, so be sure to check them thoroughly. It is also a good idea to top up your box of spare bulbs.

2. Servicing

If your car is due for its regular service (every 10,000 kilometers), get it done early. Mechanics also recommend changing all the engine oil before a trip.

3. Tire pressure

Fuel consumption, vehicle performance during sudden maneuvers to avoid other road users, pedestrians, cyclists – all depend on tire pressure. The length of the stopping distance during sudden braking also depends on tire pressure.

Make sure to check the pressure in all four tires, and don’t forget the spare. It’s best to do this in the morning or evening when temperatures are lower.

4. Fluids

Fill all the fluid reservoirs in your car to the maximum permitted level, but not beyond. You need to fill the engine and gearbox oil containers, top up the engine coolant, brake fluid, and battery fluid.

It is a good idea to keep a spare liter of oil and a liter of distilled water in the car, as you never know when the temperature gauge might spike for some reason.

5. Luggage

The way you pack your luggage can affect the vehicle’s balance, so pay attention to where you put everything. The heaviest pieces should be at the bottom, in the middle, while other items should fill the remaining space. If your spare tire is in the trunk, keep in mind that it should be reasonably accessible.

6. Mandatory equipment

You should always have this stuff in your car anyway, but double-check that you have it all: reflective vest, warning triangle, first-aid kit, tow rope or bar, and fire extinguisher. Out of everything listed, only the reflective vest needs to be readily accessible: in the driver’s door compartment or the glove compartment.

Finally, always start your trip well-rested and don’t forget to take breaks every two or three hours. To be completely sure that unforeseen situations won’t ruin your spring break, get comprehensive motor insurance (casco) for your vehicle.

We would like to remind you again about Dunav Company’s spring motor insurance campaign, which lasts until the end of April this year. You can benefit from numerous advantages and discounts on your motor insurance.

Spring brings about many changes, but we should stick to some habits such as motor CASCO insurance, just as our slogan says “Spring brings changes, but Casco always stays!”

Have a great vacation!