Biden may withdraw from presidential election in US and nominate replacement - Spiegel

President of the US, Joe Biden (photo: Getty Images)

In the summer, Joe Biden may withdraw his candidacy from the presidential election and propose to nominate Michelle Obama instead of him - the wife of former US President Barack Obama, according to the German edition Der Spiegel.

The Democratic Party of the US does not exclude that Biden may announce such a decision in August 2024 at the party convention in Chicago.

Der Spiegel noted that Democrats even included Michelle Obama in their public opinion polls regarding potential candidates.

"Many Americans dream of a woman president," Der Spiegel writes.

According to journalists, the reason is Biden's advanced age - two-thirds of Americans consider him too old to lead the country for another four years.

At the same time, many Americans are not very eager for Donald Trump to win the election, whose age is not much younger than the current head of state. Also playing a role is the large number of cases currently being considered in courts against the politician.

Presidential election in the US

The presidential election in the US is scheduled for November 5, 2024. The favorites in this year's race from the Democrats are the incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Recently, the auditor of the Trump Media company was accused of fraud and deceiving clients through violations of current legislation.

American General Ben Hodges expressed cautious optimism that Trump would not be elected president for a second time.

In addition, Trump was recently fined $9,000 for social media posts and threatened with imprisonment.