Newark Adveriser reader’s letter: Still awaiting on Rufford Ford report

The proposal is to close Rufford Ford to motorised vehicles due to the public risk caused by irresponsible drivers on request by Nottinghamshire Police.

A copy of that request is not available. No record of public risk accidents is available which are directly associated with the driving of vehicles through the ford from either Police or Nottinghamshire County Council.

The Police have declined to produce evidence of the number of prosecutions, etc, of any driver and for what offence.

Rufford Ford.

Councillor Neil Clarke, in media interviews, has claimed closure to motor vehicles will ensure pedestrians are not at risk of being run over. Pedestrians would be using the raised footway – not walking through the ford — even if the ford is closed.

Despite being advised the authority would “keep consultees informed of progress on any report” nothing has been made available.

Is the “report” a public document in response to the many public adverse comments? — R. FELL,