Graeme Souness issues blunt two word response when asked key to Rangers win at Celtic Park

Graeme Souness knows what it takes for Rangers to win at Celtic Park.

The Rangers 9IAR legend is one of the most important figures in not just Ibrox history but also Scottish footballing history.

The man who transformed Rangers inside and out and a three-time European Cup winner with Liverpool, when Graeme Souness talks, we listen.

And the Rangers squad would do well to do exactly the same as the Ibrox icon gives them some keen advice ahead of a must-win trip to Glasgow’s east end.

Photo by Mark Leech/Offside via Getty Images

Souness tells Rangers what they must do v Celtic

Graeme Souness was speaking to Sky Sports as he picked up the Special Merit award at the year’s PFA Scotland awards.

Claiming he is ‘chuffed’ to pick up the ‘important’ award, Souness claims ‘there is nothing like being recognised by your peers’.

Attentions then quickly shifted to Rangers’ upcoming visit to Celtic Park and Souness was clear that he believes it’s anyone’s game.

“I think (it’s) a big game of football,” said Souness. “The fact it’s at Celtic Park makes it more difficult than if it was at Ibrox.

“But it’s an Old Firm game and anything can happen in these games.

“Players getting sent off, someone being nervy at the wrong time and costing their team a goal, bad refereeing decisions.

“So I think both teams will go into believing they can win it.”

When asked what is the key to Rangers’ overcoming Celtic away from home, Souness issued a blunt two word response: “Starting right.

“Starting right. When you go to Parkhead you’ve got to start right, they come after you like a whirlwind.

“So you’ve got to start right at Parkhead.

“Know where they’re coming from, you’ve no time on the ball, don’t be dwelling on it in your own half, don’t be making mistakes anywhere near your box and hopefully the game settles into a game of football and you get a foothold and play from there.

“These games are very difficult to play in.

“I came back as a seasoned pro at 33, maybe just slightly past my best, but I found those games very hard to play in.”

Rangers must heed ex-manager’s Celtic warning

Like we say, when Graeme Souness talks, everyone at Rangers listens.

It’s why the 71-year-old – who celebrates his birthday today – was part of the interview process when Rangers went to appoint new manager Philippe Clement.

And the current Rangers team would do well to heed the Ibrox legend’s warning about this weekend’s clash.

Celtic will start furiously and this Rangers team have got to stand up and weather an early storm or risk being blown away by the ‘whirlwind’ referenced by the ex-Scotland international here.

If the club can get through those early stages with some resolute defending then Rangers will have a chance to go an make an impact on the game.

In the last few Old Firm matches Rangers have started disastrously and it’s something we’re going to need to address heading into this crunch Celtic Park visit.

Being crowned champions literally depends on it.