Trump's bid to bolster 'softening support' among voters 'a head-scratcher': analyst

Donald Trump (Photo by Saul Loeb for AFP)

Faced with an inability to reclaim moderate Republicans who became "Never Trumpers," Donald Trump has agreed to speak at the Libertarian Party convention next month, taking time away from reaching out to fence-straddling Republicans.

Noting the embattled former president has little time to waste with six months to go before the November election and that his campaigning schedule is in chaos due to spending four days a week in court where he is facing 34 felony counts, MSNBC analyst Zeeshan Aleem suggested the speech is a sign of Trump World "desperation."

In his column, Aleem called the move "a bit of a head-scratcher," adding that it is odd for a nominee of a major party to waste time catering to fringe voters "who in most states will rack up only tiny percentages of the vote."

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As Aleem noted, the Trump campaign decision to reach out to Libertarians could be a sign that it recognizes he may be bleeding voters to an equally fringe candidate in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"He also needs to find ways to shore up his weakness among more traditionally conservative Republicans and independents — and Trump might see third parties as a supplement to compensate for that softening support," Aleem explained. "Trump’s camp and his allies are increasingly nervous about the threat posed by Kennedy, who takes a bigger chunk out of Trump’s vote share than Biden’s in some recent polls with hypothetical matchups."

Aleem then explained that maybe Trump is on to something.

"On a big-picture level, Trump’s appearance at the Libertarian Party convention is a pretty odd spectacle. But it's not odd that Trump is maneuvering to monopolize the anti-establishment vote as aggressively as possible," he submitted.

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