Watch: Arizona senator fears Kari Lake’s 'dangerous' rhetoric 'could get people hurt or killed'

Kari Lake in Phoenix in December 2023 (Gage Skidmore)

Kari Lake, the far-right MAGA Republican who is likely to be running against liberal Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego in Arizona's 2024 U.S. Senate race, has recently been trying to soften her image.

Lake criticized the Arizona Supreme Court's ruling in favor of a draconian anti-abortion law from 1864 — only to later tell the Idaho Dispatch that "unfortunately," Arizona Democrats weren't enforcing the law. And Lake has claimed that she was speaking "in jest" when she told "McCain Republicans" to "get the hell out" of a Republican event.

Conservative GOP activist Meghan McCain, however, wasn't buying it and tweeted, on February 21, "No peace, b****." And other Lake critics argued that she is as dangerous as ever when, during an April event, Lake told the crowd, "We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case."

READ MORE: 'Strap on a glock': Kari Lake tells Republicans 'the next 6 months is going to be intense'

One of those critics is Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Arizona).

During a Sunday, May 5 appearance on NBC News' "Meet the Press," Kelly told host Kristen Welker, "It's dangerous. What Kari Lake said could result in people getting hurt or killed."

Lake has falsely claimed that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump in her state, and that Arizona's 2022 gubernatorial election was stolen from her. Both claims have been repeatedly debunked.

Kelly said he is "very concerned" that MAGA election denialists in Arizona will try to overturn the 2024 election results.

READ MORE: Kari Lake's effort to 'paper over her extremism' is drawing 'mockery and rebuke': analysis

The Democratic senator told Welker, "We have Kari Lake on the ballot in the Senate race, who is also talking about how the 2020 election was stolen here from Donald Trump. Clearly wasn't. Same thing in 2022 when she ran for governor."

Kelly continued, "She's on the ballot again. These folks have been indicted. I trust our judicial system, that they're going to go through a process. And however this turns out, we all have to accept what that process is."

READ MORE: Haley staffer references Meghan McCain in jab at Kari Lake

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Sen. Mark Kelly says Kari Lake’s rhetoric could get people ‘killed’

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