Scholz calls on Europe to reinforce Ukraine's air defense from existing stocks

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Getty Images)

Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz has urged European countries to bolster Ukraine's air defense from existing stocks, according to Bild.

He reminded that Germany will provide Ukraine with a third Patriot air defense system from its reserves.

"For us, this is a very clear signal that we are ready to help where there is a shortage of ammunition and artillery," the chancellor said.

Scholz called on others to join him.

"Because we cannot wait until new systems are developed. We must provide Ukraine with more opportunities for air defense from existing stocks," he said.

Air defense for Ukraine

Ukraine is constantly under bombardment from Russian occupying forces. Against this background, Ukrainian diplomats have repeatedly asked allies for additional air defense systems.

Among the most imoprtant requests is the Patriot system, capable of destroying ballistic missiles.

Ukraine wants to receive at least seven Patriot systems. So far, only Germany has announced the supply of one battery.