Movie icon's morbid lesson after scary crash - I could have been 'toast'

George Clooney thought he was going to meet his maker after a scary motorbike crash back in 2018. He thought it was time for him to step into the light, and luckily, he made it through the terrifying ordeal.

The Hollywood star spoke about the incident three years later, admitting he was ‘fine’ and had recovered. But the results of the crash left George Clooney with a different outlook on like, including what it’s like to be a celebrity. The movie star was in Sardinia, Italy while filming Catch-22, the popular Hulu series when it happened. He had no idea what would come next.

George Clooney’s scary motorbike crash

Photo by Clemens Bilan/Getty Images

The star was driving to set one day on location at the time of the debilitating accident.

As he was driving, the car in front of him turned suddenly, and he crashed while traveling at 75 miles per hour, and George Clooney was sent flying over the handlebars.

After the accident, he was rushed to John Paul II Hospital by ambulance, suffering ‘slight trauma to the pelvis and bruises to one leg and an arm’. He was later released following treatment and had to undergo physical therapy for his health.

The Oceans 11 star explained, while he was lying there in the road, the idea of celebrity dawned on him when a crowd of people gathered and began filming him.

The Oscar star said: “If you’re in the public eye, what you realize when you’re on the ground thinking it’s the last minute of your life is that, for some people, it’s just going to be entertainment for their Facebook page.

“I’m a pretty positive guy, but that told me – clearly – that you really are here just for their entertainment.”

‘It knocked me out of my shoes’

The TV actor told GQ last year, the only thought that consumed his mind was his family and children.

“He literally turned directly in front of me. I launched. I go head over heels. But I landed on my hands and knees,” Clooney said.

“If you did it 100 times, maybe once you land on your hands and knees, and any other version you land, you’re toast. It knocked me out of my shoes. When I hit the ground, my mouth—I thought all my teeth were broken out. But it was glass from the windshield.”

He added: “My kids were like a year old, and mostly it was just the thought that this was it and that I wasn’t gonna see them again.”

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