Bishop’s Stortford councillor Graham McAndrew: ‘Converting Anchor Street into a one-way street and removing the traffic lights offers a solution to congestion issues’

Bishop’s Stortford councillor Graham McAndrew has a suggestion for easing congestion around the town’s railway station...

All too often, the traffic light system at Station Road/Anchor Street contributes significantly to congestion, backing up traffic onto Station Road and Dane Street, and obstructing access to the railway station.

Despite the gaps between the lights on Station Road down to the traffic lights at South Street and Riverside, congestion persists.

Cllr Graham McAndrew suggests making Anchor Street one-way from Station Road

Converting Anchor Street into a one-way street and removing the traffic lights could offer a solution to these issues.

Making Anchor Street a one-way street from Station Road to Morton Peto Road and then onto Sextons Road for a left turn onto Station Road would not only reduce congestion but also facilitate a smoother flow of traffic. By eliminating the need for vehicles to wait at lights, traffic could move more freely along the designated route, improving efficiency and reducing travel times.

In addition to addressing congestion, converting Anchor Street to a one-way system would enhance safety by reducing the risk of accidents at intersections. This improved safety would benefit both motorists and pedestrians, creating a more secure environment for all road users.

Cllr Graham McAndrew suggests doing away with the traffic lights and making Anchor Street one-way from Station Road

Furthermore, a one-way configuration for Anchor Street could have positive environmental impacts. By minimising idling time and congestion-related emissions, the conversion could contribute to a reduction in air pollution and support efforts to create a cleaner and healthier environment.

The proposed one-way street could also enhance accessibility by providing a clear and direct route for drivers, visitors and emergency responders. Simplified navigation could lead to increased efficiency in reaching destinations, benefiting the entire community.

Moreover, the conversion of Anchor Street to a one-way configuration could create opportunities for urban redevelopment along the corridor. With improved traffic flow and pedestrian access, businesses may be more inclined to invest in the area, leading to revitalisation and economic growth.

Additionally, the one-way street design would allow for better utilisation of available space, potentially accommodating amenities such as bike lanes, disabled parking facilities and outdoor seating areas. This could enhance the overall attractiveness and functionality of the street for residents and visitors alike.

Cllr Graham McAndrew suggests doing away with the traffic lights and making Anchor Street one-way from Station Road

Engaging with the local community throughout the decision-making process will be crucial to ensure that the proposed changes align with their needs and preferences. By actively involving residents, businesses and stakeholders, support for the conversion of Anchor Street to a one-way configuration can be built, ultimately creating a more efficient, safe and vibrant urban environment.

Conservative Cllr Graham McAndrew represents Bishop’s Stortford Rural on Hertfordshire County Council, where he is deputy executive member for environment, and also the Bishop’s Stortford Thorley Manor ward on East Herts Council.