Greg Taylor lauds Celtic teammate's 'unbelievable' behind-the-scenes work at Lennoxtown

In 2024, footballers must make many sacrifices to be professionals at the top level.

The game has changed massively over the last couple of decades, players must be more dedicated than ever to keep themselves in shape.

It’s difficult enough when they are playing every week. For those on the sidelines, it takes extra fortitude to stay in the right physical and mental shape to compete when called upon.

That’s why James Forrest is getting so much praise from his teammates and coaches. Brendan Rodgers has lauded him in recent weeks for being able to contribute coming in from the cold.

The winger has netted crucial goals against Aberdeen and Dundee – he also didn’t play too badly against Hearts at the weekend, either.

James Forrest gets credit for superb preparation

For teammate Greg Taylor, it all comes down to the way Forrest conducts himself on a day-to-day basis at the club’s Lennnoxtown training centre.

The Bhoys left-back said over the weekend [Sunday Post]: “He is the model professional and someone who has worked so hard over the course of the season. James was in a difficult situation. He has loads of experience at the club but probably fewer opportunities than he would have wanted.

“However, when the business end of the campaign comes around, he is one that everyone knows you can hang your hat on. He has proved that because he has been brilliant since coming into the team.

“James keeps himself in amazing condition and that means he was ready to play. He is someone who devotes all his time to his career. He is always stretching and foam rolling.

“He’s not a big one for battering the gym or doing loads of weights, but his preparation and the way he looks after himself is unbelievable.

“He never misses anything, every day is the same. When you see how he works, it is easy to see why he has been so consistent at a high level for so long.”

Forrest’s position in starting eleven is secure

Despite the presence of 2023/24 signings Nicolas Kuhn and Hyunjun Yang, Forrest’s position in Rodgers’ starting line-up looks secure. Daizen Maeda will operate on the left flank with the Scotland international on the right.

The smart money would be on him adding to the six goals he’s already scored this season and we know he can turn up on derby day, too.

Getting him to peak at the tail-end of the campaign has been a solid bit of management from Rodgers. He knew what he had, lit that fire under him and it’s Celtic who are now getting the rewards.