Vet takes side on 'controversial' debate on whether it's safe to kiss your dog

There couldn’t be enough ways to show your love for your pet dog, including kissing them on them. I do it, too, just like my fellow pet parents.

But, it’s of utmost importance to educate yourself about the consequences before indulging in the act of love. We asked an experienced vet to share her opinion on the much-debated topic.

Copyright 2022 Artur Debat

Vet comments on kissing your dog on the mouth

Hell will break loose if you tell a dog owner not to kiss their pet on the mouth – at least I have always ignored people’s unsolicited opinions.

But, licensed veterinarian Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, a qualified veterinarian with over 10 years of experience, warns against the habit for multiple reasons as a dog’s mouth can host a range of bacteria.

The veterinarian told The Focus: “Dogs can carry lots of diseases that can transfer to humans. If you’re immunocompromised, this is much more likely.”

“So if you’re on immunosuppressive medicines, pregnant, or immune-compromised for any other reason, close face-to-face contact with your dog isn’t recommended,” she added.

Kissing your dog on the mouth can pose health risks to an average healthy person, too, says the vet.

Why you should refrain from face-to-face contact

Even for a healthy person, the risk of diseases isn’t nil when they come in contact with a dog’s mouth.

Dr. Joanna Woodnutt says the “foul” bacteria in your dog’s mouth due to their diet and habits can cause health issues in you.

She told The Focus: ” Do they eat raw food? Do they eat other dogs’ poo? Are they vaccinated? Do they have anal gland issues which result in them licking their bum a lot? If the answer to any of these things is yes, the risk of catching something is higher.”

“I’m not saying that dogs that don’t have these things are 100% safe, but if you stroke them and don’t wash your hands before you eat, you’re also risking transferring bacteria to your mouth – in other words, your dog’s mouth is dirty, but so is the rest of them,” she explained.

So, the next time you itch to kiss your dog on the mouth, think about yourself and other ways to show your affection.