Man Suing Floyd Mayweather Over Alleged Assault in Downtown LA Demands 7-Figure Judgment


The man who accused Floyd Mayweather of ordering his security guard to assault him demanded the fighter pay him over $3 million in damages.

According to court documents obtained by, Eduardo Martinez asked the court to award him $1.5 million in general damages, $500k for future medical expenses, $40k for past medical expenses, $300k for loss of future earnings, and $1 million in punitive damages.


As we first reported, Martinez filed a lawsuit against Mayweather and his Mayweather Money Team in Los Angeles Superior Court in January.

The suit accused the defendants of assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and general negligence.


The man claimed he was at a Yard House near Arena in Downtown Los Angeles on February 10, 2022.

He said that “at some point, Mayweather Money Team” entered the restaurant, “which resulted in a large crowd to gather around them causing a commotion.”

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Martinez said he pulled out his cell phone and started to film the Mayweather Money Team.

The alleged victim said Floyd saw him recording and instructed his bodyguards to make him stop.

Martinez claimed the bodyguard approached him and “negligently, carelessly, intentionally, maliciously and/or physically touched, struck, and/or hit [Martinez] by striking” him and causing him to fall to the ground.

Martinez said the bodyguard then tussled with him in an “attempt to confiscate” his cell phone, which allegedly caused him further injuries and damages."

Martinez claimed Yard House’s team did nothing and allowed Mayweather’s team to assault him.

The man said he was “placed in great fear for his life, health, and safety" during the encounter.


In his suit, Martinez told the court the alleged assault caused him not only physical injuries but severe mental suffering, anguish, humiliation, and emotional distress.

Mayweather has yet to respond to the allegations in court.

As we previously reported, Floyd and his security team were hit with similar accusations in 2020.

According to TMZ a 32- year-old man filed a police report that claimed Floyd became upset after he asked the fighter for a photo. The man claimed Floyd assaulted him but Floyd dnied he ever touched the man. No charges were ever brought over the incident.

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