Cannabis Reform Advocate Champions Change, Looks To Expand Prophet Across The Globe

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At the recent Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, entrepreneur Luke Scarmazzo, who co-founded Prophet Brands, engaged deeply with attendees, exploring various avenues for collaboration. He emphasized his openness to diverse business ventures ranging from investments to licensing deals, revealing a strategic approach to leveraging industry connections.

Personal Journey And Advocacy

Scarmazzo, known for his nearly 15-year tenure in federal prison due to his early involvement in a state-legal cannabis dispensary, detailed the profound impact of his incarceration experience on his current advocacy efforts. He shed light on the reality that many still face imprisonment for non-violent cannabis crimes despite changing laws. Scarmazzo's narrative was not just his own. However, it echoed the lives of 3,000 others still behind bars, highlighting the urgent need for reform and support, which organizations like Mission Green actively address.

Future Goals And Projects

With an optimistic view of the future, Scarmazzo hinted at upcoming projects and partnerships that unfold in 2024 and 2025, though specifics remain confidential until these are finalized. His advocacy goals are equally ambitious, as he aspires to a future where his advocacy is no longer necessary—envisioning a time when no one will be incarcerated for cannabis offenses. On the business front, he discussed expanding his entrepreneurial ventures nationally and internationally, promising significant developments in the cannabis industry.

Cannabis rescheduling seems to be right around the corner. Want to understand what this means for the future of the industry? Hear directly for top executives, investors, and policymakers at the 19th Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, coming to Chicago this Oct. 8-9. Get your tickets now before prices surge by following this link.

Photo: Courtesy of CRYSTALWEED cannabis via Unsplash

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