'Take his phone privileges away': Florida Dem slammed for 'racist' tweet about eating dogs

Rep. Jared Moskowitz

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) found himself under fire on Monday over a post on X that some commenters said contained a racist trope about Koreans.

The post, which was subsequently deleted, was a response to a social media clip featuring Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD), who is facing a storm of backlash over multiple claims she made in her upcoming book — first, a boast about shooting a puppy she was unable to train for hunting, and then a story about meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that she has subsequently admitted wasn't true.

"Beyond parody: On CBS this morning, Kristi Noem still wouldn't provide a straight answer to the question of whether she ever met Kim Jong Un. She brought up other unspecified meetings she had with world leaders as though that justifies fabricating a meeting with the NK dictator," wrote liberal commentator Aaron Rupar.

"Why am I getting the feeling that she wanted to eat dog with Kim Jong Un," wrote Moskowitz in his reply.

Koreans have long faced stereotypes about consuming dog meat.

The joke did not land well with many people.

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"Someone’s gotta take his phone privileges away," wrote Oklahoma-based attorney Blake Allen.

"Racist congressmember jared moskowitz caught doing racist thing. Unsurprising," wrote the account @saxocrat. "Another week, another Jared Moskowitz 'this post has been deleted,'" wrote Philadelphia-based Democratic campaign staffer Annie Wu.

Moskowitz, who represents a district in the northern Fort Lauderdale area, is notorious for his colorful social media commentary, as well as his Capitol Hill stunts; last month, he filed legislation that would have declared Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) Vladimir Putin's "special envoy" to Congress, owing to her ongoing opposition to Ukraine defense aid amid the Russian invasion.

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