US, most EU nations to boycott Putin's inauguration over Ukraine war - Reuters

Russian President Vladimir Putin (photo: Getty Images)

20 EU member states will boycott the so-called inauguration for another presidential term of Russian President Vladimir Putin, but allegedly 7 other EU countries plan to participate in the event by sending their representatives, reports Reuters.

Information is currently unavailable regarding the UK's participation in the attempt to legitimize the leader of the Russian Federation, which is supposed to take place on Tuesday.

Russian media reported that the Kremlin had allegedly invited the heads of all foreign diplomatic missions in Moscow.

An unnamed European diplomat told Reuters that 20 EU member states would boycott the event, but it is expected that seven other countries will send their representatives.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell was against the bloc's participation in the event, spokesman Peter Stano said in Brussels.

The German Foreign Ministry stated that it would not participate in the inauguration.

The Baltic countries, which currently do not have their representatives in Moscow, have categorically ruled out attending the event.

"We believe that the isolation of Russia, and especially of its criminal leader, must be continued. Participation in Putin's inauguration is not acceptable for Lithuania. Our priority remains support for Ukraine and its people fighting against Russian aggression," Lithuania's Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said.

Elections in Russia and the legitimacy of Putin

The elections held in Russia in March were condemned by all EU countries, at least in terms of their conduct in the occupied Ukrainian territories. There were also concerns raised about the lack of transparency in the voting process, violations during the vote count, and the absence of political competition, as the Kremlin regime had previously imprisoned the only real competitor to Putin, Alexei Navalny.

Putin's unlimited rule was specifically ensured by amendments to the Russian Constitution.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that there are no grounds for recognizing Putin as the president of Russia.

France has decided to send its ambassador to the so-called inauguration.

The US recognizes Putin as the president of Russia, but will not participate in the event.