'Does Trump own a mirror?' Internet erupts over his Mar-a-Lago fundraiser fat joke

U.S. Senator Jon Tester

Former President Donald Trump took a swipe at Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) for his physical appearance, saying that he "looks pregnant to me" at a private fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago country club over the weekend, according to Politico.

“Have you ever seen this guy? He doesn’t look like a fat guy, except that his stomach is out,” Trump said at the event, which was reportedly also attended by Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX).

Jackson, who previously worked as a presidential doctor, was at one point Trump's pick to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2019, but his nomination was derailed in part by Tester, then the ranking member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, releasing a report accusing Jackson of improperly dispensing medication to staffers and drinking on duty.

Trump's mockery of Tester, who is in a tough re-election fight this year with controversial far-right businessman Tim Sheehy, caused an explosion of scorn from commenters on social media — some of whom pointed out Trump was hardly in a position to mock others for obesity.

"I never realized there were no mirrors on Trump properties," wrote the account @bobg366.

"Trump really shouldn't be the one saying that considering how he isn't exactly petite," wrote the account @seskoog.

"Florida Villages Troops: Assemble!" wrote the account @dlowther175, accompanying it with a photoshopped tweet of Trump confined to a motor scooter.

"Seriously, does Trump own a mirror. He's grossly over weight. His hair is ridiculously in color and style. His bronzer is clownish. That suit he wears is dirty and wrinkled," wrote the account @burgh_from.

Tester, who works as a farmer in addition to his office, is one of several vulnerable senators Democrats find themselves defending in 2024, where the timing of the Senate map gives them only a small handful of pickup opportunities, but exposes a number of their own senators in red or battleground states.

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