Celtic boss Brendan Rodgers challenges Scottish FA on 'more resources' after recent issues

The Scottish FA’s recent decision to release a list of refereeing errors made over the last few months is one that went down well with Celtic boss Brendan Rodgers.

Rodgers was a vocal critic of refereeing standards in the wake of terrible calls during a defeat to Hearts at Tynecastle in March.

The Bhoys manager ended up with a touchline ban for his comments about decisions made by Don Robertson and John Beaton – one of which was on that list of errors published by the SFA last week.

He’s largely put that all behind him, but when asked about the SFA’s release and his feelings on what’s needed moving forward, he addressed the lack of resources in the Scottish game.

Rodgers wants more money put into Scottish refereeing

Speaking to BBC Radio Scotland, Rodgers said: “I thought it was really good, the transparency for them to come out. They didn’t have to do that but they did do.

“Having experienced VAR here and down south, definitely the guys would benefit from more resources being put into it.

“More resources would mean they have the ability to hopefully have full-time referees, which then allows it to become their profession. Then, they have more time to gain greater knowledge and education of it. And obviously resources in terms of having the very best VAR system that they can here.

“In terms of the action to put that out there, it was very open and very transparent and that’s all you can ever ask.”

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Refereeing changes coming at SFA

The association are addressing some of the concerns raised by clubs. Earlier this year it was announced head of the refereeing department Crawford Allan would be leaving his role at the end of the season, with a review of procedures to take place.

Former Premier League official Jon Moss is reported to be the frontrunner for the job. It would be a significant step to appoint an outsider to the high-profile position.

Sadly, with money so tight in Scottish football, Rodgers is unlikely to get his wish for more money to be made available – either in terms of full-time referees or a better VAR system than the one we have now.