Seven-word Insta post could see Cantwell get one-way Clement conversation

Potentially, this could be Rangers biggest week of the season and Philippe Clement will want a week with no distractions.

Life at Ibrox is never that simple though and already the manager will have seen reports of Borna Barisic arguing with a fan.

The advent of social media has brought its own problems too and one Rangers player’s cryptic message on Instagram might lead to a conversation that Philippe Clement probably doesn’t have time for.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Todd Cantwell has to express himself on the pitch for Rangers

Todd Cantwell is clearly a deep thinker, an individual who isn’t afraid to express himself.

Sometimes though, his timing when it comes to posting messages on his socials could be better.

In the buildup to an Old Firm derby, a key player hinting that he isn’t happy is far from ideal.

Posting “A bird can’t fly in a cage”, Cantwell might well have been declaring his love for his favourite song, but he should have been aware of how this looks.

Speaking after starring against Hearts in the Scottish Cup semi-final, we got an insight into his state of mind that shows he is fully aware of how he is perceived:

“I think people can make up their own minds about my on-field perception.

“I do think it’s probably unfair and there’s certain people out that like to jump on it and play up to it.

“It’s a bit strange because there’s so much more going on but it seems to be highlighted quite a lot.

“I am the type of player that invited conversation, I know that, and probably controversy as well.

“I would like to be talked about in terms of how I play football more than anything else. I understand up here you have people who need to stay relevant and stay in the limelight.

“It is part of what it is and you just need to move on with it.

“For me, I’m concentrating on my football. We’ve some big games coming up and I’m looking forward to finishing the season as strongly as possible.”

Cantwell has a chance to prove he can walk the walk

What Cantwell has done is left his post open to interpretation.

Is he saying that Philippe Clement is holding him back in a rigid system, or is he frustrated at Scottish defences putting 10 men behind the ball?

Maybe, it is just his favourite song of choice at the moment.

Cantwell isn’t the type of player to shy away from the limelight.

What he must do now though, is his talking on the pitch.

After Maurice Ross criticised his efforts against Kilmarnock, Cantwell should be wanting to prove the doubters wrong.

The 26-year old had to watch the last Old Firm from the bench until he replaced Tom Lawrence to make a difference, but he will be wanting the chance to impress from the first whistle this time around.

After all, at Parkhead, there should be plenty of room for him to ‘fly’.