'Harsh', 'Shambolic'...BBC pundit gives Gers penalty verdict and barbed Clement dig

Very rarely does a Rangers game pass without any controversy and Sunday’s clash with Kilmarnock was no different.

One penalty appeal was turned down, another was awarded, and a red card for the away team’s Joe Wright.

Speaking on BBC’s Sportscene, Michael Stewart has given his verdict on the incidents that raised the most questions as Rangers came from behind to beat Kilmarnock at Ibrox.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Michael Stewart dissects referee and VAR intervention for Rangers

Stewart has a penchant for forming an opinion based on what he thinks the laws of the game should be rather than what they actually are.

Who can forget the infamous ‘biomechanics’ analysis when Rangers were awarded a penalty against Motherwell when a shot was blocked by an outstretched arm above the defender’s head?

On this occasion though, Stewart seems to be taking a more rational approach:

“In real time, very difficult to see what actually happened. It just looked like there was some block on the line.

“But you can see with the replays that the correct decision was eventually given in terms of a penalty kick.

“I feel a little bit harsh for Joe Wright because it happens in a split second.

“He’s taken a bad touch, he doesn’t really see where Sterling is, yeah, very harsh. But understandable and the correct decision.”

Stewart, however, wasn’t as impressed with the incident in the second minute as Rangers saw an early penalty appeal waved away:

“I’ve got to say that great credit deserves to be given to David Dickinson, the referee.

“Shambolic from the VAR officials to slow the game down as long as they did.

“I think everbody that’s involved in football saw this within a couple of seconds and could say it’s not a penalty kick.

“Yes, there is a…not a precedent, but there’s almost a feeling that when the referee goes over, that a penalty is going to be given.

“But I find Philippe Clement’s comments a little bit strange. That’s not a penalty kick.”

Stewart out of order for Clement dig

Stewart is right, everyone knew that it wasn’t a penalty kick, however, that wasn’t the point that Philippe Clement was making.

The Gers boss referred to incidents where handball decisions had gone against his squad for less and was complaining about the lack of consistency in terms of interpretation.

There’s not been a single Rangers fan that was unhappy about the first incident.

In practice, it was the perfect example of how VAR should work though and that’s where Stewart is wrong.

Yes, it took too long to send Dickinson to the monitor, but the decision was the right one.

The on field referee wouldn’t have seen the handball so, it was correct to give him another look from a better angle – that is what VAR is for.

VAR sending a referee to the monitor shouldn’t be seen as pointing out a mistake, and on this occasion, it wasn’t.