Putin is ready for small military operation against NATO - Polish counterintelligence

Russia's leader Vladimir Putin (Photo: Getty Images)

Poland's military counterintelligence service, Jarosław Stróżyk in an interview with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna stated that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is reportedly prepared for a limited military operation against a NATO country, potentially targeting Narva or a Swedish island.

Stróżyk noted that all predictions regarding Russia's readiness for a potential attack on a NATO country from analytical centers are based solely on certain assumptions due to a lack of complete information.

"Putin is already prepared for some sort of mini-operation against one of the Baltic countries, for example, to enter the famous Narva. Or to land on one of the Swedish islands," Stróżyk stated.

However, Putin's intentions are restrained by the West's position. Strozyk highlighted that Western unity and support for Ukraine demonstrate to Putin that any attack on NATO would provoke an even stronger response from the West.

Earlier, Polish President Andrzej Duda warned that Russia could restore its military potential and attack NATO countries as soon as 2026, citing a report by German experts to justify the need for NATO countries to increase defense spending.

French President Emmanuel Macron has also voiced concerns about the risk of a Russian attack in the coming years, emphasizing that European leaders must be prepared for such a scenario.