Widow of Kremlin critic Navalny denounces Putin after inauguration

Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, has accused President Vladimir Putin of lies and broken promises on the day of his fifth inauguration.

Navalnaya said Putin's "promises are not just empty, they are lies," in a video published on Tuesday.

Her video showed excerpts from Putin's speech at the start of his fourth term in office in 2018, in which he said the most important goal of his presidency was a peaceful and prosperous future for Russia.

It then contrasted Putin's assertions with images from the bloody war Putin launched in Ukraine more than two years ago.

Navalnaya, who is in exile, blasted Putin for pushing through an increase in the retirement age, for persecuting dissidents, and for isolating Russia on the international stage.

Guarantees on the safety of citizens had also been broken, she said, referring to a terrorist attack near Moscow that left more than 140 people dead in March.

Navalnaya's husband Alexei was widely seen as Putin's most significant opponent in Russia. He died in unexplained circumstances in a Siberian prison camp in February, shortly before Putin won presidential elections which were widely seen as neither free nor fair.