Video captures mass brawl in Sheerness High Street that caused thousands of pounds of damage inside 3A Wines

A shop owner has been left with thousands of pounds worth of damage following a mass brawl in a high street.

Phone footage of the fight, which involved between 10 and 15 people on Saturday night in Sheerness, has revealed the extent of the destructive behaviour inside 3A Wines.

The business’ owner, Saba Mahesh, was in the shop at the time of the incident which resulted in two men and a woman being arrested on May 4.

He said: “The fight started between two customers in my store around 8.30pm.

“It sounded like a personal issue between the two of them.”

Saba has now been left with a big bill that needs to be spent on repairs.

He said: “I’m going to need to spend between £1,000 to £1,300 towards replacing the damaged door, £200 on a new sweet stand and £100 on damaged products.

“I was in the shop at the time and called the police five or six times.

Thousands of pounds of damage was caused by a fight in Sheerness High Street

“I wasn't surprised by the behaviour, it is Sheerness what do you expect".

The fight broke out near the junction with Beach Street, with damage caused to not only local businesses but also vehicles.

Although no serious injuries were reported footage shared on social media of the disturbance shows several people being kicked, punched and thrown to the floor.

On Sunday two men in their 30s and a woman in her 20s, all from Sheppey, were arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and have since been released on bail pending further investigation.

At the time enquiries to identify other people involved in the disturbance were ongoing and officers wanted to hear from anyone who saw what happened or recorded footage at the scene by calling 01795 419119 and quoting case reference 46/XY/13477/24.

A mass brawl took place in Sheerness High Street on Saturday

Police have been contacted for an update on the investigation.