'You laughed out loud!' MSNBC expert cracks up while discussing Stormy Daniels' testimony

Stephanie Clifford, who goes by the stage name Stormy Daniels. (Photo by Toglenn)

Donald Trump has denied that he ever had an affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels. He even went so far as to say he's never met her and attacked her as a "horse face."

But as she testified on Tuesday, the details reveal the opposite.

"So here's the thing," MSNBC legal analyst Katie Phang began. "We know that Donald Trump is seeking Stormy Daniels out."

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"Donald Trump loves to say, 'I don't know these women,'" Phang explained. "They're horse faces. They're this. They're that.' No, no, no. We now know, he's seeking out Stormy Daniels to dine with her. And what was her initial reaction? 'Expletive no!'"

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Daniels was then told by her publicist that she should go because it would make for a good story.

Daniels testified that Trump pursued her and asked that she have dinner with him. Trump's bodyguard, Keith Schiller, gave her his cell phone number to help organize the dinner, she said.

When she arrived, Trump was wearing either silk or satin pajamas. Phang cracked up laughing when anchor Jose Diaz-Balart read the testimony from inside the courtroom.

Daniels made fun of him, saying he looked like Hugh Heffner. She then asked him to change, and he did.

Daniels went into considerable detail about their conversation about her career and life.

Criminal defense attorney David Markus explained that they asked her about the details to enhance her credibility "and show that this actually happened."

"The idea is you want to demonize the defendant, and this is all trying to look him bad," he explained. "It's not going to the elements of the crime. And the jury will see all these things she's saying, and they will get that ick factor. And you laughed out loud when you heard about the pajamas."

Phang said that no one has to be a "genius" to figure out what is unfolding.

"He's in satin pajamas, and she thinks she's coming for dinner," Phang said. "And why would Trump be embarrassed about this information getting out? Maybe just the silk pajamas are what he doesn't want to get out, and he doesn't want it to hurt his campaign."

See the report in the video below or at the link here.

'He's seeking her': Legal analyst trashes Trump for lie on 'horse face' Stormy Daniels www.youtube.com

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