'How mortifying': CNN's Gloria Borger says lurid testimony must have Trump cringing

CNN's Gloria Borger reacts to Stormy Daniels' testimony (Screen cap via CNN)

CNN's Gloria Borger on Tuesday found herself repulsed by the tawdry details laid out by adult film star Stormy Daniels in her testimony in former President Donald Trump's hush-money case.

In particular, Borger found it astonishing that a former and perhaps future president had to sit in court and listen to someone recap an adulterous tryst that he once had in lurid detail.

"Can you just imagine, on a human level, how mortifying this is for him?" she asked. "I mean, she's spread out every detail there, some that we didn't want to know -- too much information -- but he's sitting there, listening to this, I believe Eric Trump is there, I'm sure Melania is probably tuning in a little bit, and he's running for president and he's listening to this description of a sex act."

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It wasn't just the one-night stand that was tawdry, said Borger, but "the fact that he followed up with her, that he continued to have phone calls with her, and, you know, tried to promise her a job on 'The Apprentice.'"

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Borger then emphasized the feeling of disgust she had watching the proceedings.

"This is kind of mortifying," she said. "And how does he go into some kind of self-denial about this, I don't know."

Daniels on Tuesday delivered multiple embarrassing details of her encounters with Trump, including that he allegedly told her not to worry about his wife on the grounds that they don't even share the same room, and that he allegedly compared Daniels favorably to his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, despite the fact that he was pursuing a sexual relationship with her.

Observers in the courtroom said that Trump grew increasingly agitated throughout Daniels' testimony.

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'How mortifying': Panel repulsed by Stormy Daniels' Trump testimony www.youtube.com

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