'Inaccuracies and pure fantasy': Amazon readers unimpressed by Kristi Noem's dead dog tale

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem speaks during the National Rifle Association

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem's controversial memoir "No Going Back" — in which the MAGA darling details shooting the family dog in a gravel pit — was released to the public Tuesday and immediately subjected to their reviews.

Readers had mixed feelings about Noem's book, in which she notoriously describes killing her 14-month-old wire-haired pointer Cricket and a "nasty and mean" billy goat, as well as the claim she faced down North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jung Un.

“I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un," according to the book snippet. "I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all). Dealing with foreign leaders takes resolve, preparation, and determination.”

Already, before the book has formally been released, the handful of Amazon reviews that leaned negative. But there were a couple that praised her work as an author.

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Amazon reviewer Susan gave "No Going Back" five stars, and wrote: "Honest strong woman... She relates stories from her past and from the heart in a honest fashion. It refreshing to read something that is honest and true and heartfelt."

But that sentiment was the exception.

Momcat gave Noem's book one star out of five.

"Lies, inaccuracies, and pure fantasy," the review reads. "Writes in the book that she took her puppy Cricket to a gravel pit and shot him in the face, then continued on to brutally shoot and eventually kill (after two tries) her un-neutered male goat because 'it smelled bad and butted my kids.'"

Another one star offering came from Jason Fulmer, writing "Political grift for VP at its best," his post reads. "Gross! Save a tree don’t buy this book."

A reviewer with the handle "RitaNYC" also gave one star and the review was poo emojis. This post was found to be "helpful" by nearly 300 people.

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