'Must be broke': Mike Lindell drops seized cell phone lawsuit against Justice department

Mike Lindell speaking with attendees at the 2020 Student Action Summit. (Photo by Gage Skidmore)

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has dropped his lawsuit against the Justice Department for seizing his phone, court records show.

In a new court order reported by Politico's Kyle Cheney on Tuesday, Minnesota-based U.S. District Judge Eric Tostrud granted Lindell's motion for dismissal.

"Based on the Stipulation for Dismissal without Prejudice filed by Plaintiffs Michael J. Lindell and MyPillow, Inc., and Defendants United States of America, Attorney General Merrick Garland, the United States Attorney for the District of Minnesota, and FBI Directory Christopher Wray, ECF No. 93, IT IS ORDERED that the action is DISMISSED without prejudice, and without costs, disbursements, or attorneys’ fees to any party," said the order.

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Lindell, a conspiracy theorist known for pushing unfounded claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, initially claimed in the suit that the phone, which was seized as part of a search warrant executed by FBI agents while Lindell was at a Hardee's restaurant, contained "everything" he was working on.

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Some commenters on social media speculated that he might be dropping the lawsuit because he's out of money — Lindell's allies have stated that he is "losing everything," as he faces suits of his own for defamation from various entities he has accused of election rigging, and as retailers stop carrying MyPillow products amid the fallout from the controversy.

In addition to all these other problems, a court recently ordered him to pay $5 million to a man who made good on his public challenge to disprove his election fraud claims.

"He must be broke," wrote the account @kschraeder123.

"The poor guy has run out of money & his Republican friends, who he made an ass out of himself for, aren't bailing him out. We acknowledge that Rs throw anyone out when you are no longer useful. A Trump trait," wrote the account @Daffodil_Dame.

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