Pupils from Hungerford Primary School design posters for Hungderford’s Got Talent contest

MEET the winners of a poster competition to advertise the inaugural Hungerford’s Got Talent show.

Deputy town mayor Claire Winser said: “We asked Hungerford Primary School pupils to enter a competition to draw a poster to advertise the Hungerford's Got Talent event being held on Saturday, July 6.

“There was an excellent response and it was difficult to find just three winners - so we finally choose six entries.”

The presentations for the winning poster competition was held during the primary school assembly on Friday, May 3, by town mayor Helen Simpson, Ms Winser and town councillor Helen Armstrong.

The event itself will take place from 11am on July 6 at John O’Gaunt School in Hungerford.

Performers up to the age of 16 are invited to enter the competition by completing an application form, either online via the the town council’s website at www.hungerford-tc.gov.uk/events or by paper copy available throughout the town.

The deadline for entries is Monday, June 10.

Hungerford’s Got Talent, organised by Hungerford Youth Council, aims to be an inclusive event to benefit children and young people to help with increasing confidence and to learn new skills.