Pak wheat crop devastated: 29 dealers face legal action in Narowal fertiliser scam

Narowal (Punjab) [Pakistan], May 8 (ANI): The agricultural landscape of Narowal district in Pakistan has been marred by a counterfeit fertiliser and pesticide scandal, with devastating consequences for farmers. Following laboratory tests on samples from 46 companies, authorities have taken legal action against 29 dealers accused of distributing fake agricultural inputs, Dawn reported.

The repercussions of this fraudulent activity have been severe, particularly for wheat farmers in the region. Wheat crops spanning 2,173 acres have been decimated, resulting in an estimated loss exceeding PKR 300 million for the affected farmers.

In 2024, out of Narowal's expansive 4,58,000 acres of agricultural land, wheat cultivation covered 3,15,680 acres. However, farmers faced significant challenges due to shortages of essential fertilisers like DAP and urea. Forced to resort to the black market, they found themselves paying exorbitant prices to unscrupulous dealers, as reported by Dawn.

Despite their efforts to protect their crops with timely pesticide applications, the use of counterfeit products proved catastrophic. Farmers, like Muhammad Abrar from Chak Amro Tehsil, Shakargarh, discovered too late that the fertilisers and pesticides they had purchased were fake, resulting in the ruin of his 19-acre wheat crop.

Similarly affected was Kulsoom Bibi, a widow from Noonar Town, Narowal, who lamented the complete failure of her nine-acre wheat crop due to the use of counterfeit inputs. Muhammad Sharif of Kot Nainan, who had invested borrowed funds into wheat cultivation, found himself burdened with insurmountable debt when his crop, along with those of numerous other farmers, was destroyed by fake fertilisers and pesticides.

Recognising the plight of the farmers, Muhammad Tanveer, Deputy Director of Agriculture in Narowal, spearheaded efforts to address the crisis. FIRs were lodged against the implicated fertiliser dealers following the damning laboratory results. Tanveer emphasised that strict legal action would be taken against companies whose products were found to be counterfeit.

The toll of this deception is staggering, with the destruction of wheat crops across 2,173 acres in Narowal district. The affected farmers, reeling from their losses, have called upon Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz to intervene urgently and provide much-needed relief, Dawn reported. (ANI)