common food allergies

Common food allergies you may not know you have [Safefood] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

Food allergies are a serious issue, affecting millions of people worldwide.

We all know the classics – peanuts, milk, and shellfish. But what about the hidden allergies?

There are many lesser-known food allergies that can cause discomfort and even serious reactions if left undiagnosed.

So, how do you know if you have a hidden food allergy? Here are 7 common food allergies people often miss:

1. Wheat allergy vs. gluten intolerance

Wheat allergy [Glutenfree]

Wheat allergies and gluten intolerance are often confused. A wheat allergy involves the immune system reacting to proteins in wheat, while gluten intolerance is a sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Symptoms of a wheat allergy can include hives, swelling, nausea, and difficulty breathing.

2. Soy allergy

Soy is a hidden ingredient in many processed foods, from sauces and snacks to baked goods and veggie burgers. A soy allergy can cause a variety of symptoms, including skin problems, digestive issues, and wheezing.

3. Tree nut allergy

Peanuts get all the attention, but allergies to other tree nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pecans are also common.

Tree nuts [FoodAllerfiesAtlanta]

These allergies can cause severe reactions, so it's important to be aware if you experience symptoms like itching, swelling, or trouble breathing after consuming tree nuts.

4. Fish allergy

Allergies to fish are becoming more common, especially among adults. Symptoms can range from mild (rash, nausea) to severe (anaphylaxis). If you experience any discomfort after eating fish, it's important to see a doctor for testing.

5. Sesame seeds allergy

Sesame allergies are on the rise, particularly in children. Sesame seeds can be found in a variety of foods, including baked goods and salad dressings. Symptoms of a sesame allergy can include hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing.

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6. Shell allergy

Shellfish [FoodAllergisAtlanta]

Shellfish allergies are another common culprit. These allergies can cause serious reactions, so be cautious if you experience any discomfort after eating shrimp, crab, lobster, or clams.

7. Stone fruit allergy

This one might be surprising, but some people have allergies to stone fruits like peaches, plums, and cherries. These allergies are often linked to a pollen allergy (like birch pollen). Symptoms can include itching, tingling, or swelling in the mouth and throat after consuming the fruit.

If you suspect you have a food allergy, seeing a doctor for proper testing is important. Early diagnosis and avoidance of allergens can help prevent serious reactions and keep you feeling your best. Even if you’ve tolerated a food in the past, allergies can develop at any time so listen to your body and be more mindful of what you put in it.

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