Nottinghamshire Police rapid response by Newark officers leads to triple robbery arrest on A46 following Asda supermarket theft.

Police tracked down a car and detained three suspects within minutes of a robbery taking place.

Response officers were called to Asda, in Lombard Street, Newark, after reports of a robbery at the store.

Three men entered the shop around 7.30pm on Monday evening (May 6) and proceeded to fill a bag with bottles of alcohol.

ASDA Newark, on Lombard Street. Credit: Google

When they then tried to leave without paying, the trio were confronted by a security guard who suspected they were trying to shoplift.

At that point, a confrontation took place, and the suspects threatened the staff member with a plank of wood they’d retrieved from their car.

The guard was not harmed in the incident, although the three men managed to flee from the scene with the stolen items before driving away.

After carrying out inquiries at the scene, officers quickly tracked down a car suspected to be involved in the robbery on the A46 travelling towards Leicestershire.

Police tracked down a car and detained three suspects within minutes of a robbery taking place. Photo: Nottinghamshire Police.

This spot happened within 20 minutes of the robbery being reported, with police working together to bring the vehicle to a safe stop on the A-road.

Five bottles of alcohol, two of which still had security tags on, were subsequently found inside the car.

Three men, aged 24, 42, and 43, were all then arrested on suspicion of robbery.

Sergeant Mark Walker, said: “The response officers involved in this incident did a great job in utilising the information available to them to quickly track down a group of suspects.

“After hearing a robbery had just taken place, it took the team less than 20 minutes to locate a car reportedly linked to the offence and bring it to a safe stop.

“Robbery is an incredibly serious offence that simply won’t be tolerated by our force, and — as shown in this incident — will lead to a swift and robust response by our officers.

“While thankfully nobody was injured in this instance, threats of violence were made, so it’s pleasing to have been able to arrest three suspects in connection with this.”