Russia Outfitting Cruise Missiles With Two Warheads to Increase 'Lethality': UK

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Ukraine's ability to shoot down the majority of rockets fired at them has forced Russia to modify the missiles they are launching, according to a recent intelligence report.

The Russian Aerospace Forces Long Range Aviation Command (LRA) is increasing the "lethality" of the ACLM cruise missiles by attaching a second warhead, according to an intelligence report released by the U.K. Ministry of Defence.

The second warhead is meant to increase "fragmentation" at the intended target. This modification will cut the missiles range in half, according to U.K. Defence, who also point out that Russia doesn't need the missles full range to reach all of Ukraine's regions.

Throughout the over two-year conflict, Russia has been modifying missiles and tactics to combat Ukraine's success in intercepting "too many" missiles. According to theUkraine Defense Ministry, Ukraine has shot down 2,151 Russian cruise missiles since the start of the war.

On Wednesday, Ukraine reported two rockets were destroyed, along with 13 tanks, 11 UAVs,19 combat vehicles and 970 Russian soldiers.

Ukraine's success in intercepting Russian cruise missiles can be credited to the advanced weaponry recieved through western aid, including the American-made Patriot air defense missile system.

A new shipment of Patriot missiles were included in a recently passed U.S. foriegn aid package, according toDefense Secretary Lloyd Austin. The foriegn aid package, signed by President Joe Biden on April 24, will send $61 billion to Ukraine, marking the largest security assitance package sent to the war-torn nation since Russia's invasion in February 2022.