Watch: House Dem puts GOP colleagues on the spot by citing Trump's alleged Hitler praise

Adolph Hitler, Donald Trump (Hitler via archives/Trump via AFP)

House Republicans on Wednesday held a hearing on the growth of anti-Semitism in the United States, and one Democratic lawmaker took the opportunity to put GOP lawmakers on the spot for former President Donald Trump's alleged praise of Adolf Hitler.

During the hearing, Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) recounted how former Trump chief of staff John Kelly said that Hitler deserved some credit for doing "some good things" despite being one of the worst mass murderers in the history of the world.

Bonamici also brought up Trump's recent public attack on the majority of American Jews, whom he has described in the past as "disloyal" for not supporting him.

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"Just a few months ago, Donald Trump said, 'Any Jewish person who votes for Democrats hates their religion,'" she said.

Bonamici then turned up the heat on members of the GOP.

"I have not heard one word of concern from my colleagues across the aisle," she said. "In fact, what we have seen is consolidation of support for the former president. If my colleagues care about anti-Semitism, they would condemn and denounce these comments from the leader of their party."

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She then gave Republicans at the hearing the opportunity to condemn Trump's remarks -- and none of them did.

In addition to his own past anti-Semitic remarks, Trump also hosted Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and Hitler-praising rapper Kanye West at his Mar-a-Lago resort for a dinner in 2022.

The former president has also deployed Nazi-style rhetoric on the campaign trail, including his declaration that immigrants in the United States are "poisoning the blood" of the country.

In his autobiographical manifesto "Mein Kampf," Hitler posited that in the past great cultures died out due to "blood poisoning," and he said that Jews in Europe were primarily responsible for such "poisoning" in Germany.

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