Ukraine will allow some prisoners to serve in the military

Given the shortage of soldiers to defend against the full-scale invasion that Russia launched over two years ago, Ukraine has decided to allow some prisoners to volunteer for military service, Ukrainian media reported on Wednesday.

However unlike in Russia, which has mobilized tens of thousands of prisoners, including murderers and sex offenders, in Ukraine convicted murderers and rapists will not be allowed to enlist.

Drug dealers, those serving time for serious corruption offences, former members of parliament, ministers, high-ranking civil servants as well as those convicted of national security offences will also not be eligible to serve.

Russia mobilized thousands of prisoners, including hard-core violent ones, in the first few months of the war in exchange for their release from prison upon completion of military service.

There have been some cases of these convicted criminals committing violent crimes again after being released from the military.

According to the new law in Ukraine, prisoners can enlist in the army if their remaining sentence is no longer than three years. They should serve in separate units under guard, explained member of parliament Olena Shuliak.

Military service does not end at the end of the sentence, but at the end of the contract or general demobilization.

Ukraine is trying to remedy the shortage of soldiers at the front with several laws. For example, the conscription age has been lowered and the registration of conscripted men has been improved.