'They dug a hole with golden shovels': Biden slams Trump for failed Foxconn 'con' deal

President Joe Biden speaks in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin to tout a new Microsoft data center (Screen cap)

President Joe Biden on Wednesday took a shot at former President Donald Trump while touting the construction of a new data center in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin.

The data center in question is being built by Microsoft in the same area where Trump once pledged electronics manufacturer Foxconn would build "the eighth wonder of the world" and usher in a slate of well-paid blue-collar jobs.

However, Trump's promise of a new manufacturing hub in the state fell through, as Foxconn all but abandoned the project three years ago.

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Microsoft, meanwhile, has pledged that its new data center will initially create 2,300 construction jobs and then as many as 2,000 data center jobs once the project is complete.

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While discussing the project in Wisconsin, President Biden drew a sharp contrast between himself and his primary opponent in the upcoming presidential election.

"Six years ago, when my predecessor came...with the promise of 'claiming our country's proud manufacturing legacy,' and we had 'Infrastructure Week' every week for four years and we didn't build a damn thing," he said.

"He and his administration promised a $10 billion investment by Foxconn... In fact, he came here with your senator, Ron Johnson, literally holding a golden shovel, promising to build the 'eighth wonder of the world.'"

Biden recalled to the crowd a promise he said Trump left completely unfulfilled.

"Are you kidding me? Look what happened!" he exclaimed. "They dug a hole with those golden shovels -- and then they fell into it!"

Biden noted that many homes in the area were bulldozed for the project, even though it never came to fruition.

"Foxconn turned out to be just that -- a con," Biden said. "Go figure!"

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