New wheelchair-friendly boardwalk opens at Sandgate Meadow Park in Welney

A new wheelchair-friendly boardwalk has been installed to help to make a wildlife haven “accessible for everyone”.

The officers and supporters of Friends of Sandgate Meadow Park in Welney have announced that the boardwalk has been officially opened.

A group of volunteers gathered on Sunday for speeches, a ribbon-cutting ceremony and refreshments to celebrate the occasion.

Celebrating the opening of the new wheelchair-friendly boardwalk at Sandgate Meadow Park, Welney, with young Angel pictured at the front

The ribbon was cut by the face of a campaign which raised more than £4,000 in 42 days last summer – wheelchair user Angel and her mum, Kylie.

This campaign was supported by the Aviva Community Fund, which provided match funding.

Paul Fox, the chair of Friends of Sandgate Meadow Park, said: “The wheelchair access boardwalk is part of our commitment to make Sandgate Meadow Park as accessible as possible to everyone in Welney.

“Enabling adults and children, like Angel, to safely access the park whatever the weather is important.

“Last year we installed a swing seat for use by a broader range of children, including youngsters like Angel.”

The boardwalk has been built by volunteers and will enable better access to all who visit the meadow.

The meadow also contains a sensory garden, adult exercise equipment, children’s playground, fruit trees, mowed walkways, bug hotel and native hedging.