Burial ground and traditional hay meadow planned for Whittlesford farm site

A field beside the M11 is due to be turned into a burial ground and nature reserve, with new meadows and grassland.

Plans have been approved by South Cambridgeshire District Council to turn land at Spinney Hill Farm, in Newton Road, Whittlesford, into the new burial site.

Spinney Hill Farm, Newton Road, Whittlesford. Picture: Google

The existing house is due to be demolished to make way for a new remembrance hall, able to seat 115 people.

The burial ground will include 3,318 plots, including 404 reserved for ‘green burials’, which will be restricted to a wooden marker or no marker at all.

Up to four services a day could be held for most of the year, with up to five possible in the summer months.

Alongside the burial ground the plans propose to create a new “traditional hay meadow”, as well as a new pond, chalk grassland and a purpose-built reptile habitat.

Concerns had been raised by Whittlesford Parish Council about the new burial and remembrance facility, including how it could impact the roads in the area.

The parish council questioned whether the proposed 38 car parking spaces would be enough and raised concerns about overflow parking onto the surrounding roads.

A council planning officer’s report recognised the facility was not served by public transport and was not located within a safe walking, or cycling distance from the village.

The officer said the new facility was likely to lead to an increase in the need for people to travel there by private car.

However, the officer noted the transport assessment team at Cambridgeshire County Council had not raised an objection. It is proposed to provide a bus service that people would be encouraged to use.

The officer said: “In terms of sustainable development, the proposed development would provide some modest employment opportunities and therefore provide some economic benefits.

“In addition, the proposal would include enhancement to natural habitats through a comprehensive landscaping and biodiversity scheme, resulting in substantial environmental benefits.

“Having regard to applicable national and local planning policies, and having taken all relevant material considerations into account, it is considered that planning permission should be granted in this instance.”