Massive Russian shelling and continued mobilization in Ukraine - Wednesday brief

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Russian troops launched a massive attack on the territory of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukrainian Parliament Verkhovna Rada extended martial law and mobilization.

Read more about what happened on Wednesday, May 8, below on RBC-Ukraine.

Ukrainian energy under massive Russian attack: Aftermath details

On the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II, Russia launched a massive attack on Ukraine, using more than 70 missiles and drones. Energy facilities in six regions were hit, with three thermal power plants sustaining serious damage. There are also damaged and destroyed houses.

Read about the consequences of Russia's massive missile attack on regions of Ukraine in the RBC-Ukraine report.

Martial law and mobilization in Ukraine extended again: New terms

The Verkhovna Rada has voted to extend martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine. This legal regime will remain in effect for at least another 90 days, until August 11, 2024.

Kharkiv Regional Military Administration warns of Russian grouping in north

The Russian army is creating a certain force grouping in the Kursk region, which borders the Kharkiv region.

"Further analysis will be conducted: whether it is for a possible attack from the north or other territories. We are taking all measures to be prepared and counter the challenges that may arise," said the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov.

EU ambassadors agree on sending frozen Russian assets to Ukraine

European Union ambassadors agreed on the last step before transferring frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. It is the income from Russian assets.