UW-Milwaukee chancellor draws line with campus protesters

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ©Photo courtesy of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

(The Center Square) – After almost two weeks of supporting and negotiating with campus protesters, UW-Milwaukee’s chancellor is saying enough is enough.

Chancellor Mark Mone issued a statement to students and faculty members that explained how UW-M has handled the pro-Palestinian protests up until this point, and what he says needs to happen next.

“I appreciate that the protests have remained peaceful and have not disrupted daily campus operations. And it is laudable that so many learning opportunities have been incorporated into life inside the encampment. This is a reflection of our campus community as a whole – and I salute the many instances of people coming together, discussing issues of the day, and welcoming the diverse people and opinions on our campus,” Mone said in his statement.

But he once again reminded protesters that camping on university property is against the law, and he promised to uphold that law.

“Throughout conversations with community members and representatives of the protesters, UWM has been consistent in its desire for a peaceful resolution. We’ve maintained this approach even as protesters erected barriers, expanded their camp, and used rhetoric that’s offensive to many in our community. I recognize that many people believe UWM has offered too much leeway, while others will say we’ve not offered enough. I also recognize that people can strongly disagree with what others say while still supporting their right to say it,” the chancellor added. “UWM is simply not equipped nor properly resourced to support and safeguard a long-term outdoor campground. This is part of why such encampments are unlawful under Chapter 18 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, and why Gov. Tony Evers, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman have all said the encampments must end. The longer the encampment stays, the greater safety concerns grow, be it from a counter protest flashpoint or bad actors deliberately targeting the encampment. This is why we’ve gone to such great lengths to work with protesters to bring an end to the encampment. However, if the encampment doesn’t end soon, UWM will have to take action to ensure that it does.”

Mone did not give protesters a deadline or say how the university will end the encampments.

UW-Milwaukee has not called the police on protesters. The chancellor at UW-Madison had police clear her campus tent village last week.

Mone also told protesters many of their demands are impossible.

“The protesters have said they want the encampment to end, and I believe we all genuinely share this goal. However, they have remained steadfast about not leaving their encampment until all of their demands are met, including those that are legally impossible for UWM to meet. Therein lies the conundrum,” Mone added.

Those demands include a full divestment from Israel, which Mone says UW-M doesn’t control. There are also demands that UW-M end its police force. Mone called that a non-starter for public safety reasons.

“Asking protesters to end the encampment in no way equates to asking protesters to be silent. On the contrary, our actions have shown how much UWM encourages and supports everyone’s right to make their voices heard. This will not change,” Mone said in his statement.