48 former medical officials warn a second Trump presidency poses major 'threat to public health'

Dr. Andrew Gurman, former president of the American Medical Association, Image via Screengrab / PBS.

A group of former medical officials is warning Americans of the dangers of a second Donald Trump presidency, arguing in a statement Thursday that the former president poses a major “threat to public health.”

"If he is elected president, Donald Trump will make our fears a reality,” the group wrote.

As Fox News Digital reports, “the group of 48 individuals is led by Dr. Andrew Gurman, former president of the American Medical Association (AMA), and includes six other former AMA presidents, a former U.S. surgeon general, four former acting surgeons general, a number of other former deputy and assistant surgeons general and former representatives of the American College of Physicians.”

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In their statement, the former medical officials posit that under Trump, “the price of healthcare for American families … would skyrocket, while millions would lose access to healthcare altogether.”

“While his specific policies are at best ambiguous, his track record and his words make clear the damage he would do,” the group notes.

"We therefore encourage anyone concerned about the price, availability and safety of healthcare to keep Mr. Trump out of the White House," the statement adds.

Speaking with Fox News Digital, Gurman said he signed the letter because “returning Mr. Trump to the Oval Office could have real and negative effects on the health of our country.”

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"I am concerned that millions might lose access to health care altogether, and that for the rest it might well become much more expensive,” Gurman added.

In the statement, the former medical officials insist “a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for more expensive, more dangerous and less accessible healthcare.”

"A second Trump presidency would mean the American people would risk getting sicker, going broke, both or worse with soaring prescription drug costs, the elimination of protections for patients with preexisting conditions and wins for Big Pharma at the expense of working families," Gurman said.

Read the full statement here, via National Security Leaders for America.

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