Irish authorities clear asylum seekers' tents, transfer 163 in Dublin

An early morning operation to remOve tents which have been pitched by asylum seekers along a stretch of the Grand Canal. The asylum claimants moved into the area after another makeshift migrant camp surrounding the International Protection Office (IPO) on Mount Street, Dublin, was dismantled in multi-agency operation last week. Brian Lawless/PA Wire/dpa

The Irish authorities cleared more than 100 tents and moved 163 asylum seekers to other accommodation in Dublin, they said on Thursday.

The asylum seekers will have access to food, toilets, showers and health facilities in the other accommodation a government statement said. The authorities placed barriers along the city centre's Grand Canal to prevent people from establishing a new camp.

Prime Minister Simon Harris said ministries and the authorities were to meet to discuss the issue. The accommodation of migrants is an important part of the response to increasing immigration, said Harris, calling for a broader approach.

The opposition accused the government of lacking a well thought-out solution.

Ireland is seeing a growing number of asylum seekers, with more than 610 people arriving in the past week alone, according to the Irish Times newspaper, citing government sources - usually the same number as arrive in a two-month period.

According to the government, most are coming from Northern Ireland, with which no border checks take place.

Some asylum seekers are coming to Ireland fearing Britain would deport them to Rwanda regardless of their origin, as the Conservative government in London seeks to deter irregular migrants and significantly reduce immigration.

London is introducing a policy to send asylum seekers entering the country "illegally" to the east African nation to deter others from crossing the English Channel.

Taoiseach of Ireland Simon Harris speaks to the media during an announcement of the Government’s new Dublin City Taskforce, at Government Buildings. This follows an early morning operation to remove tents which have been pitched by asylum seekers along a stretch of the Grand Canal, Dublin. Brian Lawless/PA Wire/dpa