Go green with your spring clean, says Age Pangbourne shop

The Age UK shop in Pangbourne is calling on the community to spring clean the sustainable way and donate their unwanted items to be sold on.

So far this year, donations to Age UK’s charity shops has avoided 700,000 kg going into landfill – and saved 10 million kg of Co2.

Age UK logo

Age UK hopes to encourage more people to shop sustainably and has created a list of tips to help get people started.

These include ditching fast fashion, donating old toys, getting to know local charity shops, visiting local charity shops regularly, getting to know the shop staff, getting upcycling and shopping with an open mind.

A spokesperson for Age UK Pangbourne said: “We want to inspire locals to join the sustainable movement and are encouraging them to come and visit us this spring.

“We are always on the look-out for new donations and have a wide range of new spring stock.

“Not only will you be helping to reduce waste and landfill, but you’ll be helping raise vital funds for Age UK so that it can continue supporting older people.”

Supporting Age UK shops helps raise funds to support older people.

Shoppers can choose from a range of pre-loved clothing, accessories, toys, books and homeware.

Money raised from the charity’s shops goes towards Age UK’s vital services, including the Telephone Friendship Service, free and confidential advice line and The Silver Line Helpline.

Age UK has more than 250 shops across England and Wales.